HKS (Healthy, Kind Support) Accountability Group December 5th

A thought for today : “Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.” ((Ralph Waldo Emerson)

I'm writing this Sunday night for Monday morning, because Monday is my travel day. For the quote, I was mostly thinking about patience when we look for results in our workouts, or any other aspect of our life and wellness, but if I get bumped from my flight (they were already asking for volunteers at check-in!), it will put a new twist on the quote.

I've had a wonderful ten days to enjoy nature here in my former hometown. My plans went awry when terrible sinus problems (allergy) kept me from doing Pilates on the mat, but I stayed attentive and looked for alternatives. In the end, a little garden-plot project gave me a few days of fabulous workouts (my neck and shoulders could tell you all about it!) and these last couple days, long, slow beach walks have been my exercise, hence the picture. I especially hope Julia will like it, as I often admire her beach pictures

I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday, and if I am stuck in an airport for hours, I will gladly chat on here while exercising patience