

因此,在昨天的预告片之后,我们今天有一个生日!I mean I already mentioned that she's the wiser one, and now all got to see why (yes, I believe in evidence-based research!)

嘿,双胞胎(伊维特),最幸福的生日祝你祝福,我们所有人(世界各地)。I may have taken a bite or two from your cake already thank you for being part of this community -I mean, of course thanks to you every now and then we have Idris Elba meme fest here. thanks for always checking in on me when I am away from here. i know you've been working on the UB strength of yours so I sure feel confident that you'd be ready to pack a punch when needed for moi, haha Big hug, much love ~ your not-so-wise twin ♀️


伙计们,对此感到抱歉,但我的笔记说是昨天。任何人,昨天,我们有法国国民议会的某人向我们讲述了大型科技公司和欧盟法规。It was so cool, she invited us to think about contributing to a working group I guess so much is happening on the side, I may have been anxious to miss my twin's birthday and well, you know the next.

就是我的朋友。要吃一些早餐,然后前往今天的研讨会和工作清单。不是很酷 - 但是我会在这里弹出来让我继续前进。

