新的FB Plus视频:四边形,臀部和臀部的电源瑜伽



这种增强瑜伽的能力将使您的四边形 +臀部燃烧和臀部关节释放,同时欺骗性地挑战了您的核心。尽管这项锻炼是为了一个舒适的速度而产生的,但这种做法使所有从业者都有机会找到他们的一致性并探索其姿势的深度。话虽如此,我不会分解每种姿势的适当对齐/技术,因此对瑜伽姿势有些熟悉会很有帮助。这种做法最适合那些开始加强自己的实践的人,因为我为从业者提供了修改,以探索髋关节释放姿势的各种深度。当然,经验丰富的从业人员也可以从这种实践中受益,探索新的过渡,寻找创造性的方法来使自己的流动自己的流动,并添加任何其他将更加充分挑战其实践的动作。

对我而言,从这种做法中最大的收获是故意采取行动。I know I talk about moving intentionally in all my practices, but when working with mobility, it’s important to not only be able to listen to your body, but to understand your body’s signals and have the foresight of when to back off from exploring and when to push a little further.

为了建立功能强度,我们必须利用各自的关节范围来挑战我们的肌肉 - 但这并不意味着我们立即开始整个范围。对于许多人来说,联合中的全范围移动性是我们必须努力的事情。没有人可以走进健身房,不持续 +持续训练就开始举起500磅;对于那些可以举起500磅的人(哇,这真是令人印象深刻!),他们再次,不仅要开始挑剔的重量最重,而且首先要适当地热身。这些相同的概念适用于流动性:经过一致和持续的训练,我们可以实现全面的关节范围,并得到周围肌肉力量的支持。However, if we immediately begin working the full range (for those that are hypermobile and naturally have the ability to work full range), or pushing our joints’ limits (for those that physically cannot work full range) without first warming and repeatedly engaging the surrounding muscles, we risk preventable injury.


作为一个超速行为的人,我知道很难不深入探讨姿势的最全面表达。如果我可以在不加热的情况下做到这一点,为什么我需要热身?While I still struggle with reminding myself to move more intentionally at times, I have learned from personal experience with injury, as well as through my professional experience in teaching, that giving my body the time it needs to fully connect with the physical demands I’m placing on it allows me to move with greater strength and control, in addition to helping me cultivate a greater internal and external awareness.

我希望您能在这种做法中找到赋权和释放,并在身体限制之外挑战您。在下面发表评论,让我知道什么感觉令人惊叹 +什么挑战了您!