New Article on Body Dysmorphia: Body Image Concerns in the Extreme

Have you ever known someone who seems preoccupied with some perceived “problem” with their body that you yourself never noticed? As one hypothetical example, someone who truly believes their nose is excessively large but is viewed by most as average. If so, this might be an instance of body dysmorphia.

While body image concerns generally are very common, body dysmorphia is a more severe mental health concern that impacts up to 2.5% of the population. Folks with this mental health concern become preoccupied with perceived flaws in their physical body. While rare, this mental health concern can be debilitating and significantly impact one’s mental and physical health. Therefore, it is important for folks to understand what it is so they can look out for signs of it in themselves and the people around them.

This article will explore body dysmorphia: what it is, gender differences in body dysmorphia, common co-occurring disorders, and how it is typically treated.