New 5-Minute Mindfulness Meditation Perfect for a Work Break

How often do you have a spare 5 minutes to take a break from work (or from anything, really), but either don’t know what to do or spend it wasting time (hello social media scrolling)? How often do you think “I wish I had more time to practice mindfulness/meditation”?

If either of these scenarios applies to you, thenthis is the perfect guided meditation for you! This practice and accompanying article specifically focus on the many benefits of mindfulness/meditation for the workplace. Whether you are looking to improve your workplace relationships, well-being, resilience, or engagement/satisfaction with your job, mindfulness meditation is a great tool to have in your back pocket.

I know for myself, I like to combine the pomodoro technique (25 minutes of work with a 5 minute break) with brief meditation or mindfulness check-in to help boost my productivity. I find that this quick check-in with myself helps me to keep tabs on how I’m doing throughout the day and know how to respond to my needs in the moment.

I’m excited to hear about how mindfulness meditation helps you all within your workplace (no matter where that is)!