New Guided Breathing Practice for Stress Relief: Alternate Nostril Breathing

Hello FB family! Today’s guided practice is a new breathing practice that is intended to give you one more tool in your coping toolbox. Breathing practices in general are a great tool to help us relieve stress, connect with our bodies, and improve our overall well-being. This one, in particular, originates in India and has been embraced by yogis and mental health practitioners for its benefits for the mind and body.

Guided Breathing for Stress Relief

The term “alternate nostril breathing” should give away exactly what it is; you will be breathing in and out of one nostril at a time in a cyclical pattern. You will use your fingers to block your other nostril while you inhale and exhale from the other nostril. While I typically say you can do breathing techniques anywhere anytime without anyone knowing, this one might be a bit more obvious because of the hand movements. But I still encourage you to use it when/where you need it (especially if it works for you!). I find this one gets me into a meditative state quite quickly and easily.

In this practice, I will verbally guide you through the cycles of alternate nostril breathing a few times before giving you some time to practice on your own. Give it a shot and let us know how it goes for you!