
因此,我获得了临时的健身房会员资格,因此我可以在不违反举重禁令的情况下训练腿部。腿部按,髋关节绑架等。我一直在使用物理疗法上使用杠铃。手腕倾向于弯曲,不允许这样做。因此,今天我们尝试录制它,并做了一些杠铃蹲下,我的手腕保持直率。所以她说我被允许自己再次蹲下。我很开心!!我在健身房付款了8周,所以我将继续前进,并可能从那里开始从杠铃蹲下开始,这样我就可以让一名工作人员成为一名观察者。下周,我认为我将选择“硬拉或卧推”下一步进行。绿灯比预期的快得多,这很棒! The tape is more of a visual reminder that I need to straighten my wrist. She said she didn't see it bend at all with the tape. I find it difficult to tell. Like, if I'm holding a bar in my neck, which way do I need to move to get the wrist straight? It's weird to think you suddenly don't know those things anymore. Also! at the gym I succeeded in doing the 30 centimeter plyo box jump! In rehab I once started with 7, and got up to 15, and I've been wanting to do 30 ever since, and I can! I might try 45 next week! Another goal I sort of accomplished was tying my shoelaces. I have a hard time getting the laces tight, but I can tie them!! I'm just ticking off goals from the list and it's great! Next up is closing a zipper.