
当我们建立内部火灾时,让我们挑战我们的力量 +机动性!让您的练习感到冲洗,更新和授权!




话虽如此,让我们谈谈这种做法的身体好处!与往常一样,我们将涵盖脊柱的7个运动,并开始练习,以将我们的呼吸与我们的动作融为一体,并参与核心(我们的所有运动的基础)。As we continue to elevate the heart rate through repetitive movements, the Sun A’s and Sun B will challenge your breath endurance, and help you to build some internal heat in the body so that you will feel ready to flow once we reach the peak of our practice. The peak part of the flow will not only challenge your quads and glutes, but it will sneakily challenge your core as well. In addition to building strength, peak postures will help you to increase your spinal and hip joint mobility, and find release in your hamstrings and back. Our practice will begin its descent down from the peak with a balancing sequence that will incorporate more mobility work, and we land this flow back down on the mat with some seated/reclined stretches that will challenge your flexibility (and hopefully leave you feeling released).
