Workout for gardeners? Suggestion

After a tiring day in the garden I was wondering if there was a chance we could have a specific routine for gardeners?

I love gardening but it is really killing me physically sometimes! I work an office job and spend around 10 hours a day glued to my desk… I do workout regularly however I don’t think that can undo all the hours at my desk (especially as my posture is terrible).

I was thinking how great it would be if there was a routine designed to specifically target the muscles and movements used throughout gardening (for me that’s back strength and legs mobility and strength). Also, a stretch for gardeners would be amazing!

After a couple of hours in the garden earlier I am still in pain, mostly in my back, and I was thinking of the best way to prevent this in the future.

I was hoping with Kelli and Daniel being keen gardeners themselves, maybe that would be something you could consider…?
