
我在这里没有太多发布,但希望我的旅程可能会给他人带来一些鼓励。在2018 - 2019年,我处于一生中最好的身体形状之一。我正在做“艰苦”的锻炼,不断地寻求自己的游戏并进一步推动自己。我的心态是,如果我完成锻炼后,如果我不感到殴打,疲倦和湿透,那我就没有足够努力了。在2019年10月,我注意到我一直感到疲倦,无法在下午休息几个小时,我的关节一直很痛苦,尽管我经常进行力量训练,但我觉得自己就像身体虚弱。我尝试将其推开,继续进行锻炼,但是它变得如此糟糕,即使步行也能使我脱颖而出。我做了一次检查,长话短说,开始了我的狼疮和纤维之旅。从那以后,这一直是一段旅程。我必须做出很多改变,尤其是在我的锻炼和倾听身体的情况下。 I've has to do a lot of work mentally to accept and understand this disease. My workouts went from doing those "hard" workouts to mainly walking, exercise bike, pilates and stretching/yoga. I had to get rid of that "beat yourself for a good workout" mentality. Lupus can attack your joints, tendons and ligaments, fibro can make you just feel unwell all over. Tendonitis has been a huge obstacles for me as well as SI joint and hip pain, which limits what I can do. I recently started physical therapy to try to build my body back up. I've been battling with Tendonitis in my elbow and haven't been able to lift weights for a couple months now, which has been hard. Each mountain I have facesd with this disease has brought changes, it hasn't been easy and I've cried a lot when I can't do what I once did, but the one thing I've learned is you have to keep going and find your new strong. Everyone's strong is different, some it may be to run a marathon, some it may be to lift heavy weights and for some (like me) it's being able to just keep moving. I've learned to embrace the simple abilities my body has that I used to take for granted, to be able to simply walk my dogs, to hold a stretch that brings healing to my body. Sorry for such a long post, but I am hoping to bring encouragement to anyone who may read this. Never give up. And I also want to say how grateful I am to fitness blender (especiallyKelly), for the positivity and encouragement given in each and every workout, you all helped keep going. Keep looking for your strong, friends, you may just be surprised at what you find.