You Love a Workout? Do It Again! Just Mix it Up

Good Sunday Morning!

Like I posted here yesterday, I love Daniel's jump rope HIIT workout! And I've been craving jumping rope again since I had a prolapse set back for almost a year. So I've been slowly adding jumping back into my workouts. Yesterday I completed the jump rope workout linked here. It's an all time favorite of mine and I have it tagged. I felt so good yesterday and wanted to do it again today and maybe even the rest of the week. So, not to get bored, I changed it up! I rotated varied styles of jumping jacks and jumping rope. And since I can't do single high knee slaps or double jumping knee slaps at this time, I added a medicine ball and did standing high knee to medicine ball touches. And rotated these with standing medicine ball leg up toe touches. I am such a follow the book person so to change things up and love it was fun and freeing! Of course always thankful for our trainers' modifier tips but sometimes you just have to let your own creative vibes out

Workout Complete!

