Full Fusion Update and Random Thoughts

Hello FB Family!

We made it to Friday! Hope everyone has had an awesome week. I started the FB Full Fusion challenge a few days ago. I was originally going to start next year, but the chatter about upcoming releases made me think, "Hmm, I should start now so that I can start the chatter when it gets here." Plus Kelli said that she would be starting the challenge soon and I like the idea of being Kelli's virtual workout buddy.

I just finished the Add-On Style workout on Day 3. Here are my thoughts about this challenge so far:

1 - It amuses me to workout with three Tasha's (Me, Fitness Tasha, and Little Tasha). Arguably they are the same entity but whatever.

2- The recovery day between Day 1 and Day 3 was awesome.

3 - Jonathan looks exactly the same. And contributes just as much as he did during filming - nothing. Won't even lift a leaf.

4 - All my muscles feel toasty. Not roasted. Important difference.

5 - I'm feeling pretty strong and capable. I'm sensing some superhero vibes.

6 - You all are some of the nicest people ever. The comments on these workouts are not things I'm currently saying to myself.

7 - I am hungry.

That's it for now! Share your own thoughts about the challenge below. We're in this together, right?

Stay tuned for a glimpse at my "behind the scenes" filming rituals coming soon.

