

只是检查!我们在这里度过了一个非常忙碌的一周。丹尼尔(Daniel)一直在忙于拍摄,我正在为新的4周FB Strong节目(第2轮)进行完成。一个新的FB强!我非常兴奋,计划在一月份自己解决这个新计划(现在开始呼吁锻炼伙伴)。

这个新的FB强势将很有趣 - 具有挑战性,但很有趣。如果您热爱力量训练,或者想学习如何热爱力量训练,那么您可能会非常喜欢这个程序。这一直是我绝对的最爱之一。新的FB Strong将于2022年1月2日星期日启动(您能相信我们已经在年底了吗?)。与最后几个程序类似,该新程序将免费/随附A Plus会员资格,并且每个人都可以购买。

I took Loki with me when I went to help Daniel with a cover photo for his new workout, and we ended up taking a couple of impromptu family photos It was supposed to be a quick interruption and then back to work but we both spent a little time watching Loki, cheering him on as he wrestled with his favorite blanket. It was good to take a minute to slow down and laugh, and it makes both of us really happy to see Loki really happy so...time well spent.

现在,我们准备坐下来吃午餐 - 剩下的炒菜,我们很可能会搭配鸡蛋,鳄梨和莎莎酱。百胜。今天您的菜单上有什么?

