

我需要建议和意见。刚才足够健康锻炼,获得力量,恢复平衡,增强。我60岁,我在一所小学教书。我的工作要求我的学生,让他们对阅读课的支持,我的房间走回去,然后得到下一组。我通常每天看8组。我有一个电子心脏缺陷导致我好几年的问题。我收到了一个起搏器03.24.2021。不幸的是有并发症。我今天有紧急开胸手术04.02.2021。我启动一个全新的学年,太激动了我的生活,我的健康,我想锻炼。 I am 5’4” and weigh 138 lbs. I have osteoarthritis in my knees and they can give out at times. I have asthma which is under control with meds. I would love to gain strength, tone up, and work on balance problems. I gained fat in my midsection and upper back during the last 2 years. What’s the best way to start and maintain a healthy workout program. What exercises would benefit me the most given my health history. I have hand weights, exercise bands, and a mat.