
嘿,大家好吗?我有点工作和自我照顾,还没有检查我的锻炼 - 但我肯定仍在为他们露面!


无论如何……这篇文章是关于植物的!我很好奇你们中有多少人成长,花园或对植物产生普遍的迷恋?这是减轻压力的好方法,您没有绿色的拇指来享受它!如果您还没有,我真的鼓励您无所畏惧并尝试。I have about a dozen in the office and an unnamed but vastly larger number in our house I like learning about each of them and watching them change. We just planted our veggie garden for the year, too. There are actually studies out there that back the green thumb habit (especially outside, with your hands in the dirt) - really interesting.
