FB Strong Check-In Day 17-20

Hello Everyone,

So I have been MIA in the community section but I have not been slacking on my workouts. I took a break from the program to do some other types of exercise. Recently Kelli and I took a little vacation with her family as i am sure you guys saw in our social media posts but I did not have the equipment I needed so instead of modifying the program workouts, I just did my own thing with the intention of starting back into the program when I got home.

Instead when I got home I went full tilt on our property doing a full spring cleaning including getting our vegetable garden ready for planting (PNW has a late planting season but I am still late for that.. Ugh) still have a bit to do on our flower beds though.

With all this manual labor I have taken a break from my more structured workouts so I am not over taxing myself. The movements done while cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, weeding, painting, etc. are great forms of exercise but just like exercise you need to do them with a conscious effort to keep from clean and spread the load evenly from left to right. Think don't pull weeds or lift lawn furniture with a rounded back; don't rake or shovel with only your right or left side forward (you should try to do it evenly on both sides even though it will feel really weird, inefficient and harder on your non-dominant side).

However, I will be getting back to the program soon. I am filming new workouts most of next week so barring any unforeseen issues I will be starting my last week of FB Strong the first week of June. So I am sure that most of you that started with me are long since done by now so tell me where you are now.

Have you started a new program? Are you doing your own video selections for a while? Are you taking a break from videos to do other types of physical activity?
