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  • Category精神健康



However, we are interested in promoting youroverall幸福感,并知道,如果将REST成功纳入您的生活,您将能够长期继续健身旅程。我也从评论中知道this article on exercise guiltand other posts in thebetway 客户端 你们中的一些人努力休息日,即使您知道这很重要或有道理。因此,知道如何和满足您不锻炼的决定,对于您的整体福祉也一样重要,就像始终如一地进入那些HIIT和力量日一样。

我想首先区分有意锻炼和进入您的日子。在这些技巧中,我指的是有意锻炼,您可以在其中留出时间来提高体重,做瑜伽,HIIT,有氧运动或其他一些正式锻炼。但是,您总是可以找到将额外运动纳入您的日子的方法,这对于您的整体健康和福祉可能非常重要。例如,在您的工作日休息了五分钟的时间里,请花几分钟的时间起床并在您的家庭或办公室里漫步。将一些轻柔的伸展运动纳入您的停机时间。我想要的是避免在运动方面避免全或全无的心态(在本文中描述了有关认知扭曲的); you are still free to move even if you don’t “work out.”


原因不是wOrk Out


  • Doctor’s orders:It may be the case that you receive doctor’s orders to not work out. Whether that be due to an injury, postpartum, or any number of reasons, it is important to listen!
  • Rest day:如果您不记得上次休息的一天,我想说这是一个很好的指标,即您要有一个。我们的身体需要时间在锻炼后恢复,需要休息才能发挥最佳功能。有关的:How Many Rest Days Do I Need? Rest vs Active Rest; Overtraining Symptoms & How to Avoid Overtraining
  • Excessive soreness:If you are finding that your body is sore in a particular area, it is important to not work that part of the body again and may be an indicator that resting is your best option for the day. This is particularly true if your whole body feels sore or exhausted from a previous workout.
  • 疾病:在某些时候,患病时运动实际上有助于我们身体的康复。但是,在大多数情况下,我们的身体为休息而战的方式是生病或病重 - 所以请吧!与往常一样,请与医生咨询有关生病时锻炼的任何决定。有关的:你应该感冒运动吗?生病时锻炼
  • 运动成瘾:如果您发现自己有强迫性的心理和生理欲望(不,需要)进行运动,则可能表明需要一些休息时间。根据您的个人情况,可能需要成功停止精神卫生专家的其他支持。有关的:如何管理和防止运动成瘾
  • 睡眠剥夺:睡眠是我们身体清理毒素并为我们提供日常任务所需能量的方式。因此,如果您发现自己经常被剥夺睡眠,那么锻炼可能会有助于或损害您普遍运作的能力,并在第二天晚上再次睡觉。这一切都是关于平衡的!
  • 烧完:If you are feeling completely overwhelmed by exercise — like you have to drag yourself to workouts or like you just can’t do it anymore — you may be burned out! Burnout is often a sign that rest or a break is needed.
  • Vacation:While exercise can be really fun while on a vacation or while traveling, it isn’t necessary. Part of the point of a vacation is to get away and rest. So, if you don’t want to work out while on vacation, don’t! Also, you don’t have to work out “extra” before or after the vacation in order to “earn” the time off.
  • 合法没有时间:从早上脚撞到地板直到晚上撞到枕头的那一刻起,我们似乎都在做一些重要的事情。如果偶尔会发生这种情况,那些日子是休息锻炼的好日子(尽管我个人不会称之为“休息日”)。



  • Remind yourself of your why.奇怪的是,这是我给出的类似建议this article about how to get yourself motivated。在这种情况下,失去联系的原因,为什么您要进行健身会使您觉得练习背后没有目的,最终导致缺乏动力。在这种情况下,我们基本上需要激励自己not出于特定目的的锻炼。该目的可以像需要休息的一天一样简单,可以恢复,甚至可以实现其他优先事项。无论如何,如果您是那个仅仅因为您总是这样做的人(这是一种习惯或成瘾),那么将不工作的目的或意图纳入了您的心态会很有帮助。
  • Build up your resiliency toolbox.I often offer the metaphor that our ability to cope with difficult things in our life requires many different strategies we can pull from in times of need. This is helpful for not working out for a few reasons. First, if you tend to use exercise as your primary (or only) source of coping for stress, then you are only further putting stress on your body. After all, exercise is inherently a stressor. Second, having additional coping mechanisms in place helps you to manage your stress in a diversity of ways. Feel free to try out a new coping mechanism on your next rest day and it might help distract you from the guilt and also give you something else to do to stay resilient. Give我们的任何引导冥想尝试或挑选您已经考虑一段时间的爱好!
  • Switch things up.Many people who struggle with taking rest days from exercise tend to view exercise as a habit. It is just something you always do and so taking a day off throws your whole life out of whack. As I mentioned inthis article on habits为了摆脱习惯,我们还必须摆脱常规。习惯是通过在同一地点,同一地点并同时做所有事情来维持的习惯。因此,如果您想休息一天,也许尝试将自己放在新颖的环境中。这将减少您因不运动而感到的不适(尽管注意到这一点)canincrease anxiety generally because new things can be scary, so be mindful of how to respond to newness).
  • Plan your rest days.Just like how we create workout splits to keep ourselves accountable to our goals, we can plan out when and how we are going to rest in order to meet goals (yes, even the same goal). Scheduling something into our lives actually increases the likelihood that we will do it. However, you don’t have to be strict with this. You can plan a floating rest day(s) where you will promise yourself to take a certain number per week and add those in where they make sense. This is most beneficial for me; if I come to day 7 and realize I haven’t taken a rest day yet, I know to take that day off. However, if a friend invites me to coffee on day 2 when I was planning to get in my workout, I can say yes and feel proud and happy about that decision as it helps me to meet my socializing goals.
  • 重新审视您的期望:很多时候,这种需要每天锻炼的心态恢复了我们对自己的期望。也许你发现自己是完美主义and hold yourself to the high standard of working out every day. In this instance, I would reflect on why/how working out every day means we are perfect when we know that recuperation and recovery are important parts of any exercise routine? Regardless of what those expectations are, allow yourself to be flexible and revisit them from time to time.

Not working out (aka taking a rest day) is and can be just as important as our workout days. However, the number of rest days we take can vary based on goals, schedules, and even just our daily energy levels. Share in the comments below what has helped you all to be able to NOT work out?