Tips for Managing Exercise-Induced Anxiety

Tips for Managing Exercise-Induced AnxietyReduce the Risk of Panic Attacks While Working Out

  • Category精神健康


In our article on恐慌和运动,我们描述了某些人因运动而感到焦虑的原因。在本文中,我们将提供预防这种焦虑和管理的技巧。我什至与塔莎(Tasha)合作,创建了一种基于有氧运动的锻炼,这对于因焦虑症问题而与有氧运动斗争的人们可能更友好:中等强度有氧运动:友善运动引起的焦虑

Tips for prevention


  • 开始慢速并缓慢起来!可以通过几种不同的方式来解释这一点。一方面,随着时间的推移将自己的方式发展起来是有帮助的。我们可以轻松地思考总是需要推动自己以了解最佳结果。但是,如果恐慌发作完全阻止您进行有氧运动,那么开始低和缓慢并逐渐增加强度,这可能是一种建立以最终能够处理更高强度锻炼的方法。尝试最初做较低的强度and持续时间较短,一次增加强度和持续时间。也没有规则说您需要进行高强度锻炼 - 也许会坚持使用低强度或中等强度的锻炼。

    其次,在心脏锻炼之前进行扩展热身。我知道这常常感觉就像我们的时间不足,跳过热身会帮助我们在短时间内充分利用锻炼。但是,直接进入高强度运动会使我们的身体和思想混淆,使我们更有可能陷入焦虑或恐慌发作。更不用说,无论焦虑水平如何,您的身体都必须有效地为锻炼做好准备。因此,尝试从此开始total body warm-upor, for a total body cardio workout, try doing extendedlower-body,,,,upper-body,,,,and基于心脏warm-ups before even getting into your cardio workout. If you need to, modify the intensity of even the warm-up movements to fit your needs.
  • 不要避免有氧运动。Unfortunately, people who have panic disorder tend to have lower cardiovascular fitness due to their increased avoidance of aerobic exercise. This can lead to all sorts of health concerns later in life (Muotri & Bernik, 2014). In addition to these physical health problems, avoidance coping can actuallyincrease从长远来看,您的焦虑。这似乎是违反直觉的,因为为什么我会故意做的事情使我感到焦虑失控?但是,避免我们担心的事情(练习为一个例子)只会增加我们对长期事物的恐惧或焦虑。因此,请确保以某种方式保持活跃,以管理整个时间的运动焦虑。
  • Ongoing self-care and stress management.Because of the autonomic dysregulation experienced by people with panic and other anxiety disorders, we want to do as much as we can to strengthen our parasympathetic nervous system to help counterbalance the overactive sympathetic nervous system. Therefore,self-careandstress management成为一个necessityfor optimal functioning. Ultimately, the self-awareness that tends to accompany self-care will help us to be in touch with our minds and bodies (and the connection between them) and be able to distinguish that our physiological response to exercise isnotthe same as the physiological experience of anxiety.
  • Find ways of exercising that bring you joy.运动是压力源。即使我们知道这将从长远来看将使我们受益,但它仍然使我们的身体进入战斗或飞行模式。当与活动配对时,我们不喜欢做,这为我们的经验增加了更多的认知压力。为了最大程度地减少我们在锻炼过程中遇到的压力,请尝试将自己限制在喜欢做的事情上。去散步或远足,在您的房子里跳舞,为自己喜欢的音乐跳舞,游泳,和您的狗一起跑来跑去或加入运动队。我一直和丈夫一起玩泡菜,我们在比赛时经常出汗!

Tips for managing anxiety/panic during a workout

No matter how much we do to prevent our anxiety from happening, chances are good that this will not change overnight and you might benefit from some tips for managing anxiety and/or a panic attack as it happens.

  • Bring your heart rate down:If you start to have anxiety during a workout (not quite at the level of a panic attack), be sure to slow down and bring your heart rate to a more manageable level. Walk around the space you are in while breathing deeply to bring it down.
  • Take breaks:同样,没有什么可以说您必须在20分钟内推动并进行20分钟的锻炼。停下来,尽可能多地休息一下,因为这可以帮助您在螺旋螺旋前掌握焦虑!当您注意到焦虑的增加时,也许这是休息的好时机,并策划一首往往会使您进入所需情绪状态的歌曲。准备就绪时慢慢放松一下。
  • Deep breathing:If you are having either increased anxiety or a panic attack, you can engage in deep breathing to calm yourself in the moment. Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps signal to your body that it is time to calm down now. Try正方形的呼吸or这项锻炼that teaches several styles of breathing for stress management.
  • 5-4-3-2-1 technique:5-4-3-2-1 technique对于恐慌发作中间的人们来说,是一个理想的基础运动。有了这项活动,您将确定可以看到的5件事,可以触摸的4件事,可以听到的3件事,可以闻到的2件事以及可以品尝的1件事。与您的5个感官接触将帮助您调整到身体中,这很容易与感觉在恐慌发作时背叛您时很容易断开连接。但是,它使您进入现在的时刻,并迫使您放慢脚步并注意周围的环境,这本质上是平静的。

Try doing these even when you don’t have anxiety to intentionally accustom yourself with how relaxation and activity feel differently in your body. This will also help you to know what to do when you are anxious and have limited cognitive resources to devote to coping. However, trying out many techniques (even ones not listed here) will help you to have multiple strategies to employ when needed.