

Read Time • 7 Min
  • 类别健康, Experts


At some point in time, either you or someone you know has experienced a disc herniation. In fact, disc herniations, also referred to as “slipped discs,” are so common that most people will never know that they had one. It’s not until a slipped disc causes obvious symptoms, like pain or numbness, that things can go awry.

We have discussed this before, but it bears repeating: low back pain is one of the hallmark reasons why millions of people seek medical attention every year. It’s the leading cause of disability around the world and can affect your body in more ways than one.


What Is a Disc Herniation?

This is known as a herniated disc. There are different classifications of disc herniations, ranging from “a little out of a place” to “very out of place.”

Regardless of the type of herniation you have, it’s important to understand where the disc is sitting in relation to the nerves that make up the spinal column. When an intervertebral disc herniates, it is worrisome when it moves towards the spinal nerves. These nerves are highly sensitive to change, and a disc invading its space certainly counts as a drastic change in the environment. When this happens, the nerves will become inflamed and trigger pain responses.

Disc Herniation Symptoms
Some of the most common signs and symptoms of a disc herniation include:

  • Pain with sitting
  • Pain immediately upon waking in the morning
  • Pain with coughing/sneezing
  • Pain in the leg
  • 麻木/刺痛/燃烧一条腿
  • 身体某些部位的肌肉无力



How Is a Disc Herniation Diagnosed?

Imaging, like CT scans and MRIs, can be helpful when it comes to making a disc herniation diagnosis. But you should also be aware that imaging doesn’t always match your pain levels or problems, which is why it is only one piece of the puzzle.


Recall our earlier explanation about thekinetic chain? It applies here, too. Imaging may reveal a disc herniation at a specific level in your back, but that doesn’t mean that your back pain is coming from the same area. Oftentimes, the herniated disc causes pain above or below the area that is affected, and part of that is due to the kinetic chain. Basically, this is another reason why you should see a specialist for a suspected disc herniation.

Treatment for herniated discs will vary, depending on your pain, the amount of damage to the disc and surrounding areas, and your overall function. Once you have a confirmed diagnosis, your best treatment option is to see a physical therapist for specific exercises that may limit or prevent the disc from further herniation.

Avoid the temptation to head straight to the surgeon’s office. Instead, see an orthopedic specialist for a full examination so you can carefully weigh your treatment options. Like we learned above, imaging does not always tell the full story and should be considered along with an examination.


One of the most crucial components of treatment is learning how to modify the activities that are causing pain. You may need to find alternative ways to sleep, bathe, or get in and out of a car. This also applies to when you are starting to feel better and want to get back to working out again.

Ultimately, the goal for most herniated disc treatments is to avoid surgery and prescription pain medications. Surgery for disc herniations is rare unless the herniation is so large that it’s crushing the spinal nerves and causing loss of sensation or muscle strength. While there was a point in time when surgery was more common, most surgeons now conclude that back surgery is not the best treatment for a majority of people with herniated discs.

Since herniated discs can occur without warning, it is difficult to prevent them entirely. However, there are a few things that you should be doing to maintain the health of your discs and spine.

  1. 停止吸烟(吸烟会增加椎间盘突出和退化性椎间盘疾病的风险)
  2. Lift with proper technique
  3. 避免长时间坐着
  4. Avoid wearing high heels
  5. 饮食健康,均衡的饭菜

Take-Home Points
Almost everyone will experience a disc herniation in their lifetime. This does not necessarily mean that you will need surgery because, fortunately, most disc herniations can be managed conservatively through physical therapy.



Written for Fitness Blender by Kayla C, PT, DPT