Fight-or-Flight Series (Part 2): What Happens During Fight or Flight and 4 Ways to Prevent It

Fight-or-Flight Series (Part 2): What Happens During Fight or Flight and 4 Ways to Prevent It

  • 类别健康, Experts


Welcome back to our series on the fight-or-flight response, and a big high five if you are still with us after the anatomy lesson in the last article. Part 2 will build upon the knowledge we gained in第1部分and discuss what’s known as the amygdala hijack, or an overreaction to stress.

Overview of the Fight-or-Flight Response
Whether you are facing a physical or emotional threat, our bodies respond the same way to each, by generating a quick response known as the fight-or-flight response. As discussed in Part 1, the fight-or-flight response triggers a cascade of physical changes in the body via the autonomic nervous system. As a result, the body pumps out adrenaline to help you “fight” the threat or flee to safety (“flight”).

Historically, this response was the result of our ancestors’ need to survive against physical threats. However, today’s threats look much differently than they did for our ancestors. While there are far fewer physical threats than there once were, psychological threats seem to run rampant due to the pressures of modern-day life. A perfect example of this is the response that you feel in times of anger, aggression, fear, or stress. All of these emotions have the potential to activate the fight-or-flight response. What’s worse, it may result in a sudden overreaction to the situation and lead to regret or remorse later on.

This overreaction to stress is known as the “amygdala hijack,” which was coined in 1995 by the psychologist, Daniel Goleman.

What Happens During an Amygdala Hijack?



  • Think clearly
  • 做出适当的决定
  • 控制您对周围环境的反应



  • Anxiety
  • 高血压
  • 偏头痛
  • 加剧肌痛(肌肉疼痛)
  • 胃肠道疾病
  • 颞下颌关节(TMJ)功能障碍
  • 心理健康障碍的发病率增加
  • 慢性疼痛的发生率增加

Mental Health and the Amygdala

  • 大脑中的化学失衡,通常在焦虑和躁郁症中看到
  • 情绪或身体创伤的当前或过去的历史
  • 言语或身体虐待的历史
  • 长期的高压力情况(即使没有危险的身体威胁)


Researchers have studied the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and have found higher amygdala activation, especially emotions like fear and anxiety. Similar findings have also been observed in social anxiety disorder and panic disorder. Both of these results point to the fact that people with some mental health disorders may have poorer control over the stress response than someone without a history of these mental health issues.

Even in the absence of any mental health disorder, chronic stress can wreak havoc on our brain’s emotional centers, leading to higher amounts of fear and anxiety. It may even affect short-term memory, interpersonal relationships, and your ability to read others’ emotions.

So, knowing this, how can we get out of this heightened state of survival when it is no longer warranted? How can we learn to be more reflective as opposed to reactive? Let’s learn more about 4 ways to prevent an amygdala hijack.


In many cases of an overactive fight-or-flight response, you can prevent an amygdala hijack by trying one of these techniques listed below. You should also limit your caffeine and alcohol intake, as well as nicotine, as these may all negatively affect the onset of an overactive fight-or-flight response..


您应该采取的第一步覆盖杏仁核的劫持是be aware of your emotionsand potential stressor(s). Notice how your body responds to stress, whether that is through an elevated heart rate or breathing rhythm. Then, remind yourself that the fight-or-flight response has been activated and calmly tell yourself that this is not the best or most logical way to react. Continue to talk to yourself, as if you were speaking kindly to a friend, until the body begins to calm down.

2. Mindfulness
Mindfulness refers to your ability to be fully present, aware, and able to identify potential triggers that may provoke an amygdala hijack. In other words, mindfulness allows us to不是be overwhelmed by what may be happening around us. Ask yourself questions like:

  • Are you feeling physically or emotionally threatened?
  • Is there a looming deadline or issue that is causing you to feel stressed?
  • Are you reacting this way because of something in your environment?


3. Breathing

相关:在我们的文章中了解有关慢性疼痛患者呼吸运动的更多信息,Learn How to Breathe Through Your Pain in 4 Steps


Coping refers to your ability to quickly get your emotions under control in situations when you’re unable to prevent an amygdala hijack from occurring. Despite your best efforts, you may find yourself in the middle of an amygdala hijack. Here are a few ways to bring your emotions in check:

  • 命名困扰您的内容,口头说:“我现在触发了。”
  • 杏仁核劫机释放的激素消失在血液中大约需要5-6秒。用这段时间专注于令人愉悦而平静的事物避免进一步触发杏仁核。
  • 暂停并从场景/环境/情况中删除自己。



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