身体形象的组成部分 - 我们如何学习美丽和身体不良形象的成本

身体形象的组成部分 - 我们如何学习美丽和身体不良形象的成本

  • Category专家,,,,Mental Health


Body image is a concept that occupies a lot of space in modern conversations about health and wellness. The painful reality is that many of us, particularly female-identified folks, have intensely conflicted relationships with our bodies. This dissonance between how our bodiesand how we want them to be puts us at increased risk for mental and physical health problems. The distinction between keeping our bodies healthy and keeping our bodies in line with unreasonable standards of beauty, fitness, or attractiveness can become blurry if we aren’t aware of the forces impacting body image, so let’s take a deeper look at this important construct.

A brief history of body image
人体图像的一般概念首次在1900年代初使用。神经科医生亨利·海德(Henry Head)确定了身体模式,他建议这是控制身体姿势和运动的神经网络。直到1990年代后期,我们对身体形象的现代理解才出现,当时研究人员开始考虑文化身份(例如性别和种族),社会驱动的美丽思想和自尊心之间的相互作用。身体形象的最新工作定义提出:




4)身体满意度或不满意与我们的感觉与社会标准相匹配的方式andhow deeply we internalize assumptions about beauty (1).




The main idea: We are inundated from a young age with information about what our bodies should look like in order for us to have value and be happy. The messages we receive about body image support notions of beauty that are generally unattainable, and set the stage for intergenerational patterns of body-focused self-worth.

The cost of poor body image
Poor body image poses significant risks to mental and physical health. Eating disorders including Bulimia, Anorexia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder impact between 1.5 and 3.8 percent of individuals in the United States alone (7).饮食混乱更为普遍,包括旨在减肥的行为,例如使用减肥药和泻药以及跳过餐。一项研究估计,在美国,多达14-15岁的女性中多达56%的女性至少从事一种危险的节食行为(8)。关于如何将节食行为归一化并扩展到成年的研究继续出现。

The physical cost of disordered eating is grave - cardiovascular conditions, lowered immunity, and reduced bone density are all potential consequences of prolonged dieting behavior, even when those behaviors don’t reach the level of severity required for an eating disorder diagnosis.

Mental health is also severely negatively impacted by poor body image. Poor body image overall has been linked to increased incidence and severity of depression (9) and is the strongest predictor of being diagnosed with an eating disorder.

The main idea: Even mild to moderate problems with body image can lead to negative physical and mental health outcomes. We are often unaware of the extent to which we are engaging in behaviors that support poor body image (such as calorie counting, restrictive diets, or body altering practices) because so many of these behaviors are considered socially acceptable. The more we try to change our bodies, the harder it is to feel at ease in our bodies and our lives.

While the forces impacting body image are expansive and powerful, it is possible to change how we feel about our bodies. In our next segment, we’ll explore ways to improve your body image and cultivate a sustainable, respectful relationship with your body.

In the meantime, what experiences have shaped your understanding of your own body? How has your body image changed over time? What factors have influenced your body satisfaction or dissatisfaction the most? We are always interested in learning more about your lived experiences, so questions and comments are welcome!

Written for Fitness Blender by Candice C, PhD


1. Cash, T. F., & Smolak, L. (2012).身体图像,第二版:科学,实践和预防手册(Second ed.). The Guilford Press.

2. Hayes, S., & Tantleff-Dunn, S. (2010). Am I too fat to be a princess? Examining the effects of popular children’s media on young girls’ body image.British Journal of Developmental Psychology,,,,28(2),413–426。https://doi.org/10.1348/026151009x424240

3. Lowes,J。和Tiggemann,M。(2003)。身体不满,节食意识以及父母对幼儿的影响的影响。British Journal of Health Psychology,,,,8(2),135–147。https://doi.org/10.1348/135910703321649123

4. Neto, F., & Paiva, L. (1998). COLOR AND RACIAL ATTITUDES IN WHITE, BLACK AND BIRACIAL CHILDREN.Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal,,,,26(3), 233–243.https://doi.org/10.2224/SBP.1998.26.3.233

5. Abramovitz,B。A.和Birch,L。L.(2000)。五岁女孩关于节食的想法是由母亲的节食预测的。Journal of the American Dietetic Association,,,,100(10),1157–1163。https://doi.org/10.1016/s0002-8223(00)00339-4

6. Pai, S. & Schryver, K. (2015). Children, Teens, Media, and Body Image A Common Sense Media Research Brief.

7. Striegel-Moore,R。H.,Rosselli,F.,Perrin,N.,Debar,L.,Wilson,G。T.,May,A。,&Kraemer,H。C.(2009)。饮食失调症状患病率的性别差异。International Journal of Eating Disorders,,,,42(5),471–474。https://doi.org/10.1002/eat.20625

8. Croll,J.,Neumarksztainer,D.,Story,M。,&Ireland,M。(2002)。与青少年的饮食行为无关的风险,风险和保护因素:与性别和种族的关系。Journal of Adolescent Health,,,,31(2),166–175。https://doi.org/10.1016/s1054-139x(02)00368-3

9. Johnson, F., & Wardle, J. (2005). Dietary Restraint, Body Dissatisfaction, and Psychological Distress: A Prospective Analysis.异常心理学杂志,,,,114(1), 119–125. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-843x.114.1.119